After all, you want to be able to Phone Number Database translate the conversion data into concrete information. I receive the following questions every month via email about the implementation of measurements: How do I control the clicks on my outbound links? I want to install the e-commerce module. How do I install this Phone Number Database e-commerce module? I don't just want to measure the outgoing links to the webshop, but the entire conversion path from outgoing clicks to the order in the webshop. How do I set a Phone Number Database measurement for this? Is it possible to measure a conversion as an event, if there is no thank you page.
My advice is to leave the Phone Number Database technical implementation to your web developer or a technical web analyst. This way you can focus on getting actionable insights from Google Analytics, to which you can link action Phone Number Database points. Before you have the technical implementation carried out, you must of Phone Number Database course first determine what you want to measure. You have to take the lead during your implementation.
My advice is to use a measurement Phone Number Database plan for this. In my guide , I discuss the benefits of using a Google Analytics scorecard when setting up your measurement plan: In the scorecard above, I have linked a Phone Number Database weighting factor of 2 to the e-commerce module and the macro and micro goals. As far as I'm concerned, these parts are crucial during your implementation. You want to find out the following via this (technical) implementation: The %-clicking on an important button, for example your shopping cart or quote request button.